醫事檢驗科 (7584)
生化組 (758F)
血液組 (758A)
血庫組 (758G)
血清組 (758C)
細菌組 (758E)
門急診鏡檢組 (758B)
L056 高俐雯
5177 李碧榕
L052 廖玉鳳
L125 黃秋芬
L163 羅芳芳
L177 周怡娟
L339 黃雅君
L309 王惠君
L282 簡筱瑜
L213 黃莉萍
K264 陳苑香
L058 陳乃萍
L281 吳秀琪
L059 黃巾恬
1734 李麗珠
5683 林惠娟
L128 潘麗娟
L185 邱鵬洲
L316 陳廷勻
L060 蔡佳盈
L053 胡耀峰
L054 楊乾隆
L040 林郁華
L057 陳姿澐
L050 朱副賓
5156 林立平
L340 李則欣
L347 康怡茹
L352 陳世雯
1692 莊寶玉
L370 李心渝
L349 蕭雅慈
L415 王仲達
L424 謝鈞蘋
L599 劉浩毓
1. 一般採血檢查
1.1 一般注意事項
(a) 請先依照檢驗單各檢驗項目之說明,確認是否要空腹抽血。
(b) 如需要空腹抽血時,麻煩依照檢驗單上所規定的空腹時間,在晚餐後開始禁食。
(c) 若您已達檢驗項目所規定之空腹時間,或是您不需要空腹抽血時,請直接抽取採血號碼,依序抽血。
(d) 採血完畢後請以另一隻手直接加壓抽血傷口5-10分鐘,確認傷口沒有流血後再鬆開;請勿按揉傷口,以避免血腫產生。
(e) 若有抽血傷口周圍出現血腫現象時,請勿驚慌,請先用冰敷處理,隔日改用熱敷處理即可。
(f) 抽血過程中或抽血完畢。若有任何不舒服現象(例如:頭暈、噁心、冒冷汗等等)出現時,請立即告知處理人員。
1.2 血糖檢查注意事項
(a) 飯前血糖檢查請確實禁食(含飲水)達8-10小時候再進行採檢。
(b) 進食起計時2小時為飯後血糖檢查採血時間,15分鐘內要進食完畢,並於採血時間前10分鐘抽號碼牌。
(c) 進食後至飯後血糖檢查抽血前,請勿進食及飲水。
(d) 如您需要服用血糖控制藥物時,請依照醫師指示的時間服用;飯前血糖藥物請於採血後服用,飯後血糖藥物請於飯後規定時間內服用。
1.3 採血服務時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
1.3.2急診工作時間 24小時
1.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
1. Blood withdrawal for general tests
1.1 Notes for general tests
(a) Please follow the instruction by testing items on the examination form to make sure whether you need NPO (nothing per mouth) or not.
(b) If you need NPO for blood withdrawal,please NPO after dinner for hours as recommended.
(c) When you have enough NPO hours as required by the test item or you don’t need NPO, please proceed to the laboratory,take the registration sheet for blood withdrawal .
(d) After blood withdrawn,please apply the other hand over the needle wound for 5-10 minutes. Make sure no more bleeding before release of compression. Please do not massage to avoid hematoma formation.
(e) If there were hematoma formation around the needle wound, please don’t be panic. Initially, apply ice bag over the wound. Switch to hot pack on the next day.
(f) During or after the blood withdrawal,please notify the laboratory personnel immediately if there were any discomfort such as dizziness nausea,cold sweating,etc.
1.2 Notes for blood glucose tests
(a) Make sure you have NPO (including drinking water) for 8-10 hours before the blood withdrawn for fasting blood glucose test.
(b) The time of blood withdrawal for postprandial blood glucose test is 2 hours after meal. Thus, please record the time when you completed the meal. Proceed to the OPD laboratory counter 10 minutes earlier in order to have the blood withdrawal arranged.
(c) Please do not eat or drink after the completion of meal and before blood withdrawn for the postprandial blood glucose test.
(d) If you need the intake of blood glucose control pill,please follow the time as instructed by the physician. Please intake the fasting blood glucose control pill after blood withdrawn. In addition, intake the postprandial blood glucose control pill during the recommended time period after meal.
1.3 Time and location for blood withdrawal
1.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
1.3.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory
(a) 24HR
1.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
2. 葡萄糖耐受性試驗採血檢查
2.1 採血檢查注意事項
(a) 請至門診檢驗櫃台報到,領取規定劑量的葡萄糖,並排訂第一次抽血順序。
(b) 如需空腹採血,請先空腹8小時後至門診檢驗櫃檯報到,領取規定劑量的葡萄糖,再排訂第一次抽血順序。
(c) 第一次抽血完畢後請以溫開水將葡萄糖完全溶解後,在15分鐘內將所有糖水全部喝完。
(d) 請紀錄下喝完糖水的確實時間,再至門診檢驗櫃檯報到,受理人員會依照醫師所規定的採血次數,排定採血時間及採檢櫃檯,請按時至指定的採檢櫃檯報到。
(e) 各次採血之間,請勿進食或飲水。
(f) 由於血糖濃度會隨時間改變,為避免干擾醫師判讀檢驗結果,請務必準時或提早10分鐘至指定採檢櫃檯報到。
(g) 因此項檢查採血次數較多,採檢後請確實注意應緊壓傷口5-10分鐘後才可鬆開,請勿按揉傷口,以避免淤血發生、減少多次採檢的不舒適感。
2.2 採血服務時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
2.2.2急診工作時間 24小時
2.3 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
2. Blood withdrawal for Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
2.1 Notes for the blood withdrawal
(a) Please visit the OPD laboratory counter to receive the glucose of designated dosage and the arrangement of the first-time blood withdrawal.
(b) If you need NPO for blood withdrawal, please NPO (nothing per mouth) for 8 hours as recommended before visit the OPD laboratory counter.
(c) After the first-time blood withdrawal, please dissolve the glucose completely with warm water and drink it all within 15minutes.
(d) Please record the exact time when you drank all of the glucose water, then visit the OPD laboratory counter. You will be scheduled to have several blood withdrawals at different times according to the order by physicians. Please proceed to the designated seat for blood withdrawal on time.
(e) Please do not eat or drink between each blood withdrawal.
(f) Due to the fluctuation of blood glucose level as time goes by,please proceed to the designated seat for blood withdrawal on time or 10 minutes earlier so that the interference of testing result interpreted by the physician can be avoided.
(g) Since there are more numbers of blood withdrawals for this test, please be sure to compress the needle wound for 5-10 minutes thereafter. Do not massage the wound which may precipitate ecchymosis or discomfort.
2.2 Time and location for blood withdrawal
2.2.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
2.2.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory
(a) 24HR
2.3 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
3. 一般尿液檢查
3.1 鏡檢常規尿液檢查注意事項
(a) 檢體不需加入任何添加物及保存劑。
(b) 採檢前請先洗手,以避免手部細菌污染。
(c) 常規尿液檢查檢體以早上第一次晨尿為原則,任一單次尿液檢體亦可;女性病人收集尿液檢體時應盡量避免陰道分泌物污染
(d) 女性病人正值生理期時請主動告知門診醫護人員;必要時可以請護士協助以導尿的方式取得檢體。
(e) 尿液檢體須盡快做檢測;如無法於兩小時內送達時,需以冰浴方式送檢;若無法於採檢當日送達時,則必須將檢體置於冰箱冷藏保存(約2-8℃)後隔日送檢。
(f) 嬰幼兒可以利用嬰幼兒專用尿袋收集尿液檢體。
(g) 尿液檢體請先以尿杯收集後再直接倒入離心管內(請儘量倒滿),連同檢驗單一併放置於檢體放置處。
(h) 若病人有留置導尿管時,需請診間醫護人員協助,由導尿管直接抽取尿液檢體;請避免直接由尿袋倒取尿液,以免取到污染檢體,干擾檢驗結果。
(i) 若病人是以導尿、穿刺或其他特殊方式留取尿液檢體時,請主動告知受理人員。
3.2 中段尿檢體採取步驟:
(a) 採檢前請先洗手,以避免手部細菌污染。
(b) 請先將外陰部擦拭清潔。
(c) 解前段尿丟棄。
(d) 留中段尿液於指定容器內以供檢驗。
(e) 剩餘的尿液丟棄。
(f) 檢體量與檢體運送及保存條件,請依照檢查項目需求處理。
3.3 採血服務時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
3.3.2急診工作時間 24小時
3.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
3. Urinalysis
3.1 About urinalysis under microscopy
(a) It is unnecessary to add any additives or preservatives in the urine specimens.
(b) Please wash hands before collect the urine.
(c) The urine specimen at any hour is acceptable, but the first-time urine after wake up is preferable. The collection of female urine should avoid the contamination of vaginal secretion.
(d) Please notify the OPD nurse while you are in the menstrual period. The nurse will assist you to collect the urine specimen through urethral catheterization if necessary.
(e) Please transfer the urine specimen to the laboratory within 2 hours after collection. It is recommended to have the urine specimen transferred in ice bath, if beyond 2 hours after collection. Please store the urine specimen in the refrigerator (2-8℃) if not transferred on the same day of collection.
(f) There are specific collection bags available for the urine specimens of infants.
(g) Please collect the urine in the cup, then, pour into the centrifuge tube to fill it up. Finally, leave the centrifuge tube and examination form at the specimen collection site.
(h) While the patients have the Foley catheter in place, please ask the OPD nurse to obtain the urine specimen directly from the Foley catheter. In order to avoid the specimen contamination and testing interference, please do not obtain the urine specimen directly from the urine bag.
(i) If the urine were collected through catheterization, aspiration, or other special method, please notify the laboratory personnel.
3.2 Steps to collect the mid-portion of urine specimen
(a) Please wipe the vulva clean.
(b) Do not collect the first portion of urine.
(c) Collect the mid-portion of urine in the cup and pour into the designated container.
(d) Discard the remainder of urine.
(e) Please follow the requirement of testing item, send the specimen in the appropriate amount, transport and storage conditions.
3.3 Time and location for blood withdrawal
3.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
3.3.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory
(a) 24HR
3.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
4. 24小時尿液檢查
4.1 採取檢體注意事項
(a) 請將一天24小時尿液全部收集到尿桶內,若總量不超過上限刻度2600 cc 時,請直接將總量記錄在檢驗單上。再取一些尿液裝入透明壓克力容器,約裝一半容器量,連同檢驗單帶至一樓門診檢驗。
(b) 如尿液總量超過2600 cc 刻度時,請先將收集桶內尿液倒入另外容器中(請勿倒掉),繼續收集到24 小時。將兩桶的總量相加後,將總量記錄在檢驗單上,並將兩桶混合後再取一些尿液裝入透明壓克力容器,約裝至一半容器量,連同檢驗單送至門診檢驗。
(c) 收集期間尿液須冷藏。
(d) 若檢驗科有另外給您防腐劑(6N HCl)時,請於收集第一次尿液後再倒入防腐劑。
4.2 採血服務時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
4.2.2急診工作時間 24小時
4.3 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
4. 24-hour Urine Collection
4.1 About the collection of urine
(a) The OPD laboratory will offer you a large collection bottle and a small container. Please collect urine for 24 hours in the large collection bottle and record total volume on the examination form if less than 2600 cc. Then fill the small container with urine to about half level. Bring the examination form and the small container to the same counter. Do not carry the large collection bottle.
(b) If the volume of urine exceeding 2600 cc, please do not discard, but continue to collect the remainder in any other large bottle till the end of 24 hours. Measure and record total volume on the examination form. Then fill the small container with the mixture of urine to about half level. Just bring the examination form and the small container to the same counter.
(c) Please refrigerate the urine during the collection period.
(d) If OPD laboratory offer you a bottle of antiseptic, please add into the collection bottle after the first collection.
4.2 Time and location for blood withdrawal
4.2.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
4.2.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory:
(a) 24HR
4.3 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
5. 一般糞便檢查
5.1 採取檢體步驟
(a) 若為單一潛血檢查項目(化學法):門診檢驗櫃台會提供您一個糞便收集容器,請轉開容器蓋子,利用蓋子附著的杓匙,取至少約花生米大小的糞便〈如右圖大小〉,置於容器內,並轉緊蓋子。
(b) 若為輪狀病毒檢查:門診檢驗櫃台會提供您一個透明壓克力容器,請用乾淨的竹棒收集糞便大約到容器的刻度20處。
(c) 若為α1-Antitrypsin檢查項目:門診檢驗櫃台會提供您一個透明壓克力容器,請用乾淨的竹棒收集糞便大約到容器的刻度20處。
(d) 若為其他項目或多項檢查:門診檢驗櫃台會提供您一個透明壓克力容器,請用乾淨的竹棒收集糞便大約到容器的刻度15處,請勿使用棉花棒挖取。
5.2 檢體採取注意事項
(a) 採檢時請避免挖取沾到馬桶內尿液及自來水的部分;同時也請勿將糞便直接置於衛生紙或擦手紙上。
(b) 為避免干擾檢驗結果,請勿使用棉花棒挖取。
(c) 若需要以化學法檢測糞便潛血時,請於採集前2-3天避免進食紅肉、肝臟及菠菜、甘藍、花椰菜等食物,以避免造成偽陽性結果,禁止食用維他命C,避免產生偽陰性。
(d) 若是以免疫法檢測糞便潛血時,您不需要限制飲食種類。
(e) 因為嬰幼兒不容易一次取到足量的檢體,若需要分次收集時,請將檢體暫時置於冰箱冷藏保存(約2-8℃),以避免細菌孳生。
5.3 採血服務時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
3.3.2急診工作時間 24小時
5.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
5. Stool Analysis
5.1 Steps to collect the specimen
(a) For the occult blood test (chemical method), the OPD laboratory counter will offer you a S-Y feces test bottle. Unscrew the lid and use the attached inner scoop to collect the stool approximately a peanut size (shown as the figure). Then screw it back.
(b) For the test of rotavirus, the OPD laboratory counter will offer you a transparent container. Please collect feces witha clean bamboo stick. up to the scale 20..
(c) For the test of α1-Antitrypsin, the OPD laboratory counter will offer you a transparent container. Please collect feces with a clean bamboo stick up to the scale 20..
(d) For all other tests, the OPD laboratory counter will offer you a transparent container. Please collect feces with a clean bamboo stick up to the scale 15. Do not use a cotton stick.
5.2 Notes for the collection of specimen
(a) Please avoid the contamination of urine or water in the toilet while collecting the stool specimen. Meantime,do not place the stool directly over the toilet tissue or towel paper.
(b) In order to avoid the interference of laboratory results,please do not sample with a cotton stick.
(c) Within 2-3 days prior to the occult blood test (chemical method),please donot eat red meat,liver,spinach,cabbage,cauliflower,etc. to avoid the false positive results,please do not take Vit.C to avoid false negative results.
(d) For the occult blood test (immune method),you are not restricted by certain kinds of food.
(e) Due to the difficulty to obtain enough specimen from infants at a time,it may need collection of several times and storage of specimen in a refrigerator (2-8℃) to avoid bacterial colonization.
5.3 Time and location for blood withdrawal
5.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
5.3.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory:
(a) 24HR
5.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
6. 精液檢查
6.1 採取檢體時注意事項
(a) 檢查前須禁止房事3 ~ 5天。
(b) 請用手淫法採取精液,並將全部量裝入檢驗科所提供給您的容器內。
(c) 若希望使用保險套時,請先把保險套內外清洗乾淨,等完全乾燥後才可使用(因保險套有潤滑劑及殺精劑);採檢完畢後必須把保險套內全部精液都倒入指定容器內。
(d) 若尿道或尿道口等部位有塗抹藥物時,請勿採取檢體。
6.2 送檢時注意事項
(a) 檢體必須於採取後30分鐘內連同檢驗單送到門急診檢驗科。
(b) 請在檢驗單上記錄檢體採取的時間。
(c) 檢體請勿置於冰箱保存。
6.3 檢體收件時間及地點
(a) 星期二至星期五 8:00 ~ 11:00
(b) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
6.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
6. Semen Analysis
6.1 Notes for the collection of specimens
(a) Avoid sexual behavior for 3 to 5 days before the examination.
(b) Obtain semen by masturbation and leave it all in the specific container provided by the OPD laboratory.
(c) If you prefer to use the condom, please clean and dry it before collecting the semen (because the condom contains lubricator and spermatocidal agent). Then transfer all semen from the condom to the specific container.
(d) Do not collect the semen while there is drug applied over the urethra or urethral orifice.
6.2 Notes for the transfer of specimens
(a) Send the specimens and examination form to the OPD laboratory within half hour of collection.
(b) Please record the time of collection on the examination form.
(c) Please do not store the specimen in the refrigerator.
6.3 Time and location to send
6.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W2~W5 8:00 ~ 11:00
(b) Please avoid other hours and holidays
6.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
7. 尿液培養檢查
7.1 一般尿液培養採取檢體步驟
(a) 採檢前請先將外陰部用消毒水或肥皂清洗之後擦拭清潔。
(b) 解前段尿丟棄。
(c) 將中段尿液留於檢驗科所提供的容器內,尿量>1mL即可。
(d) 剩餘的尿液丟棄。
(e) 若可以,取清晨的第一次尿液較有意義。
(f) 如有使用尿袋時,請麻煩由門診護理人員或醫師協助採取尿液,請勿直接由尿袋採取檢體。
7.2 尿液TB培養及AFB染色檢查採取檢體步驟
(a) 採檢前請先將外陰部用消毒水或肥皂清洗之後擦拭清潔。
(b) 請將尿液直接留檢驗科所提供的容器內,檢體量至少需10mL。(40ml最適當)
(c) 請勿分次留取尿液檢體。
(d) 尿液黴菌培養採取檢體步驟和一般尿液培養採取檢體步驟相同。
7.3 檢體採集完畢,請將檢驗單與尿液檢體一併交給檢驗櫃檯服務人員。
7.4 採取檢體注意事項
(a) 請勿使用非檢驗科所提供的容器留取尿液,以避免污染。
(b) 若無法馬上送檢時,請置於冰箱冷藏保存(約2-8℃),隔日將檢驗單與尿液檢體送至檢驗科。
7.5 檢體收件時間及地點
7.5.1 門診工作時間
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
7.5.2 急診工作時間 24小時
7.6 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 細菌組 (03)6119595 轉 3025。
7. Urine culture examination
7.1 Steps of specimen collection for urine culture
(a) Please wipe and clean the vulva with disinfectant or soap.
(b) Do not collect the first portion of urine.
(c) Collect the mid-portion of urine,not less than 1 ml,in the designated container.
(d) Discard the remainder of urine.
(e) If possible,it is more clinically significant to collect the first-time urine after wake up.
(f) While the patients have the Foley catheter in place, please ask the OPD nurse or doctor to obtain the urine specimen through the Foley catheter. Please do not obtain the urine specimen directly from the urine bag.
7.2 Steps of specimen collection for urine TB culture and AFB stain
(a) Please wipe and clean the vulva with disinfectant or soap.
(b) Collect the mid-portion of urine,at least 10 ml (
40 mL is the most appropriate
), in the designated container provided by the laboratory.
(c) Please do not collect the urine specimens separately in several times.
(d) The steps of specimen collection for urine fungal culture are the same as those of general urine culture.
7.3 After the collection of specimen, please hand both examination form and urine specimen to laboratory personnel at the counter.
7.4 Notes for the collection of specimen
(a) To avoid contamination during the collection of urine specimen, please do not use other containers not provided by the laboratory
(b) If immediate transfer not available,please place the specimen in the refrigerator(2-8℃),then send examination form and urine specimen to the laboratory.
7.5 Time and location to send
7.5.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
7.5.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory:
(a) 24HR
7.6 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
8. 糞便培養檢查
8.1 採取檢體步驟
(a) 請撕開運送培養基(黑色長管)之包裝紙。
(b) 用手握住黑色頭部份,將棉枝前端的棉花部分伸入肛門內,輕輕旋轉後取出;或是直接以棉枝前端沾取糞便,請勿用手接觸棉棒部份。
(c) 上蓋丟棄,將棉枝緩慢放入黑色培養管內,請勿折斷棉枝,並塞緊管蓋。
(d) 將檢驗單與培養管一併交給檢驗櫃檯服務人員。
(e) 若無法立即送驗,請保存於2~8oC冰箱中隔日送檢。
8.2 注意事項:沾取時請避開沾到馬桶內自來水部分的糞便,避免污染。
8.3 檢體收件時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
8.3.1急診工作時間 24小時
8.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030、細菌組3025。
8. Stool culture examination
8.1 Steps for the collection of specimen
(a) Please unwrap the envelope of culture medium (black long tube) for the specimen transfer.
(b) Hold the black end of cotton stick. Gently probe the whole cotton tip into the anus. Rotate the stick then pull it out. Do not touch the cotton tip.
(c) Open the black culture tube and discard the lid. Since the cotton tip is covered with stool, insert the cotton stick slowly into the culture tube and snap tightly. Do not break the cotton stick.
(d) Please bring the examination form and culture tube to the laboratory personnel at the counter.
(e) Please do not collect the stool specimen from the toilet bowl to avoid contamination.
(f) Send the specimen for examination within 24 hours after collection.
8.2 Notes for the collection of specimen: do not collect the part of stool contaminated with the water of toilet bowl.
8.3 Time and location to send 8.5.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
8.32 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory:24HR
8.4 Telephone for inquiry Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
9. 痰液培養檢查
9.1 痰液一般培養採取檢體步驟及注意事項
(a) 請先以清水漱口後,再直接將痰液吐在檢驗科交給您的容器內;建議您取清晨的第一次痰較為有意義。
(b) 吐痰時需用力由肺部深處咳出。請避免混雜大量口水。
9.2 TB培養及AFB染色採取檢體步驟及注意事項
(a) 請先以煮沸過的開水漱口後,再直接將痰液吐在檢驗科交給您的火箭筒形離心管;建議您取清晨的第一次痰較為有意義。
(b) 吐痰時需用力由肺部深處咳出。請避免混雜大量口水。因檢體量需5-10mL,請確認檢體量有達到如圖示的位置,請避免過多或過少,以免影響檢查結果。
(c) 若您需要留取3次檢體時,請間隔每天採取檢體並分3次送檢,不可一日留完三套檢體。
9.3 檢體採集完畢後請連同檢驗單儘速送至檢驗科。交給檢驗櫃檯服務人員。若無法立即送檢時,將檢體置於冰箱冷藏保存(2-8℃)後隔日送檢。
9.4 檢體收件時間及地點
9.4.1 門診工作時間
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~15:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
9.4.2急診工作時間 24小時
9.5 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 細菌組 (03)6119595 轉 3025。
9 Sputum culture examination
9.1 Steps and notes for the collection of sputum specimen for culture
(a) Please rinse the mouth with water. Then cough the sputum into the container provided by the laboratory. It has more clinically significance to have the first-time sputum after wake up.
(b) While collecting the sputum, it is necessary to cough up harder from the deep part of lungs. Please avoid mixing with large amount of saliva.
9.2 Steps of sputum collection for TB culture and AFB stain
(a) Please rinse the mouth with water. Then cough the sputum into the rocket-shaped centrifuge tube provided by the laboratory. It has more clinically significance to have the first-time sputum after wake up.
(b) While collecting the sputum, it is necessary to cough up harder from the deep part of lungs. Please avoid mixing with large amount of saliva. Since the amount of sputum specimen in 5-10 ml is required, please make sure the amount of sputum specimen reach the level demonstrated as the figure. Avoid excessive or deficient amount that may affect the results.
(c) If you need to have one specimen per day for 3 days. Please collect and send them separately. Do not send the sputum of 3 days together which will affect the screen quality.
(d) After collection of specimen, send the specimen and examination form to the laboratory. If immediate transfer not available, please place the specimen in the refrigerator(2-8℃), then send on the next day.
9.3 Time and location to send
9.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 15:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
9.3.2 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu Emergency laboratory:
(a) 24HR
9.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030
10 精液培養檢查
10.1 採取檢體步驟
(a) 請先用肥皂水將手及生殖器清洗擦乾後,以手淫法採取精液。
(b) 請將精液直接置於檢驗科所提供的無菌塑膠容器內。
(c) 檢體採集完畢後請連同檢驗單儘速送至檢驗科。交給檢驗櫃檯服務人員。
10.2 採取檢體注意事項
(a) 採取時請避免身體任何部位直接接觸無菌塑膠容器,以避免皮膚或尿道口正常菌的污染。
(b) 檢體採取後請盡速送至檢驗科,請勿置於冰箱保存。
10.3 檢體收件時間及地點
(a) 星期一至星期五 7:00~22:00。
(b) 星期六 7:00~14:00。
(c) 其他時間或國定假日期間暫停服務。
10.4 洽詢電話
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 門急診鏡檢組 (03)6119595 轉 3030。
馬偕紀念醫院 新竹分院 細菌組 (03)6119595 轉 3025。
10 Semen culture examination
10.1 Steps for the collection of specimens
(a) Please wipe and clean the hands and genital part with disinfectant or soap.
(b) Obtain semen by masturbation and leave it in the specific container provided by the OPD laboratory.
(c) Send the specimens and examination form to the OPD laboratory as soon as possible.
10.2 Notes for the collection of specimens
(a) Do not allow the contact of sterile plastic container with any part of body to avoid the normal floral contamination from skin or urethral orifice.
(b) Please do not store the specimen in the refrigerator.
10.3 Time and location to send
10.3.1 Mackay Memorial Hospital at Hsinchu OPD laboratory:
(a) W1~W5 7:00 ~ 22:00
(b) W6 7:00 ~ 14:00
(c) Please avoid other hours and holidays
10.4 Telephone for inquiry
Mackay Memorial Hospital Laboratory at Hsinchu:(03)6119595 Extension 3030